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Prana Vidya with Jim Bennitt


Prana is a Sanskrit term that refers to "vital life force" and vidya is Sanskrit for "science or knowledge." While the easiest way we can experience prana is through the breath, it has more subtle and powerful components.

Once we bring prana into the body, it moves in ten different directions and performs many functions, from digestion to circulation to integration. When life force doesn't flow properly, the dis-ease process begins.

In this workshop, we’ll learn how prana moves, the functions of each vayu (wind), how to tell if we are deficient in a certain area, and how to remove any energetic blocks we may have.

There will be no physical practice and a large portion of class will be spent on breathing and meditation techniques.

Dress for comfort, and be prepared for a seated practice.

This workshop is appropriate for all practitioners, though some familiarity with postures and breathwork is helpful. It’s a great resource for advanced students and teachers interested in using the physical practice to create specific results in the physical and subtle bodies.

For more information or to prepare for this workshop, you may consider reading: pp. 53-60 in The Heart of Yoga by T.K.S. Desikachar, and pp. 369-373 in Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

Cost: $30