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Sound Healing with Christie and Mia

Sound Therapy draws upon the use of frequency, vibration, and energy while unlocking sensations of emotional, spiritual, mental and physical healing.

This deeply rejuvenating class, conducted by Christie and Mia, begins with a guided meditation followed by a full sound bath experience. Replenish and connect to your highest self with a combination treatment of Tibetan singing bowls and crystal bowl sound therapy.

This class will assist in helping students:

• Destress

• Improve mental productivity

• Accelerate learning

• Minimize pain

• Facilitate healing

The human energy field is a symphony of sound, frequencies, and energetic matter. This class provides the opportunity for the body to heal itself, through an active listening experience by giving energy to those parts of the body in need, and removes from those that are over energized. This unblocks the energy and allows it to circulate freely. When an organ or part of the body is vibrating out of tune or non-harmoniously, it is called “dis-ease” or disease. A body is in a healthy state of being when each cell and each organ creates a resonance that is in harmony with the whole being. Sound helps direct us to this space.

Prerequisites for this class:

• Bring a mat to lie down

• Bring any items that will allow you comfort to sit still for an hour

• Students must not have a pacemaker, or any electronic devices in their bodies - the vibrations can impact their functionality.

Disclaimer: We do not diagnose illness or disease or physical or mental disorders, nor do we prescribe medical treatments or pharmaceuticals.

Cost: $22