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Cultivating a Self Practice with Jim Bennitt


Wondering what to do when you're not taking class? This workshop will help you develop daily rituals as well as a regular practice of physical poses, breath work, and meditation when not in a led class.

We will discuss the importance of daily ritual and go over a variety of options that you can incorporate in your morning and evening routines to create a healthy well-being. We will consider individual needs in regards to creating a personal practice, such as length of time, space to practice in, physical conditions that need to be addressed, and any other concerns that might be brought up. We will explain the sequencing of postures, appropriate breathing exercises, and meditation techniques. You will design a daily routine that is manageable, realistic, and one that you can evolve with.

Cost: $30

This session will be offered remotely through the platform Zoom. Once you’ve registered, you’ll be sent an email with the password and instruction on how to participate.