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Evolution of Asana with Jim Bennitt and James Tennant

Evolution of Asana

with Jim Bennitt and James Tennant

Saturday and Sunday, February 15-16, 10am-4pm


Although the essence of yoga, a path to self-realization, has remained true over thousands of years, the practices to attain this liberation within our body and mind have evolved. As the interest in yoga continues to expand and different populations are exposed to the philosophy of yoga, the demands of how the practices serve people continue to develop.

Until now, typical yoga classes in the west consist of postures and stretches that focus on flexibility which can result in a lack of joint stability. The intelligent application of functional movements into a sequence of yoga postures can safely help the student simultaneously gain joint mobility and core strength.

Functional movements are movements based on real-life situational biomechanics. They usually involve moving through more than one plane in space and going through a range of motion with multiple joints at the same time which place demands on the body's core musculature. Examples of functional movements are squatting, lunging, getting up and down from the floor, pushing, and pulling.

Be prepared to participate in two 90-minute led asana classes at 10am on Saturday and Sunday.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Understand the difference between flexility and mobility.

  • Review the foundational guidelines of intelligent sequencing.

  • Practice a number of functional movements and experience the effect they have on the (gross and subtle) body.

  • Learn modifications and variations to assist the student in accessing certain ranges of mobility

  • Review a range of classes you can apply these techniques

  • Begin to think outside the box by adding functional movements at appropriate times into a sequence.

  • Be inspired to revitalize your practice (and classes).

Cost: $90